
Recent Papers

Birth, Death, and Record Linkage: Survival Analysis in the Presence of Record Linkage Error

Instrumental Variables with Treatment-Induced Selection: Exact Bias Results (with Felix Elwert) In Probabilistic and Causal Inference: The Works of Judea Pearl, Hector Geffner, Rina Dechter, and Joseph Y. Halpern (Eds.). ACM Books, 2020. arXiv

Working Papers

Estimating Preferences Over Data to Inform Statistical Disclosure Control Decisions (slides)

Workers’ Compensation Policy and Reported COVID-19 Occupational Illnesses (with Nicole Nestoriak and Benjamin Raymond)

Elasticity Estimation in Discrete Choice Models with Population Misspecification (with Diwakar Raisingh)

Efficiency in Measurement Error Models: Applications to Twin Studies and Peer Effects

Sanctuaries for Immigrants or Criminals? Investigating the Effects of Sanctuary Policies on Crime

Published Papers

Employment and payroll dynamics in support services for agriculture (with Anton Babkin, Richard A. Dunn, Brent Hueth) Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44(3), 2022.

Executing Entity Matching End to End: A Case Study (with Pradap Konda, Sanjay Subramanian Seshadri, Brent Hueth, AnHai Doan) Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2019.

Work In Progress

Workers' Compensation Policy Effects on SOII Reporting (with Nicole Nestoriak, Benjamin Raymond)

Generalized Method of Moments Estimation with Linked Data Sets

Identification of Market Size in the Estimation of Discrete Choice Models (with Diwakar Raisingh)

Sufficient Statistics For Correcting Record Linkage Error